The Prince of Peace family is composed of dedicated individuals who nurture, love and work to support the growth of our students and families. We welcome you to contact us via email or by calling our main office so that an office team member can identify the best opportunity for our staff to connect with you.
Our Family of Teachers & Staff
Mr. Dave D’Antonio Principal
Ms. Malena Torres, Assistant Principal
Liz Landin, Dean of Operations
Ms. Stephanie Stone, Dean of Academics
Ms. Diana Ramierez
Office Manager,
Ms. Paulita Barron
Admin. Assistant, 22nd Street Campus
Ms. Francisca Cervantez
Admin Assistant & Food Service, 25th Street Campus
Samantha Blaha
K4 Teacher, 25th street campus.
Hilary Babilonia
K5 Teacher, 25th street campus
Maggie Krzyzak
K5 Teacher, 25th street campus
Aimee Monsees
1st grade teacher, 25th street campus
Maddie O’Brien
2nd grade teacher, 25th Street Campus
Heather Christy
2nd grade teacher, 25th street campus
Sharon Jones
3rd grade teacher, 25th street campus
Mallory Brown
3rd grade teacher, 25th Street Campus
Elena Panero Santos
4th grade teacher, 22nd street campus
Binderjit Kaur
4th grade teacher, 22nd Street Campus
John Matthews
5th grade teacher, 22nd street campus
Mario Gasparri
5th grade teacher, 22nd street campus
Tony Hren
Middle School, 22nd Street Campus
Yadira Delaguila
Middle School Teacher, 22nd street campus
Pamela Jones
Middle School Teacher, 22nd street campus
Antonio Lopez
Middle School and Technology support, 22nd street campus